Guidance on my Journey

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths." -Proverbs 3:5-6

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Hello from the East!

I know it's been a little while since I've me, I have more than enough to write about!  I feel like it is easier for me to share what is going on in video & pictures rather than words (due to time limitations & lack of wifi access outside of work!)So here goes...
This village & its inhabitants were pushed out of their homes (frightened out of them rather) and the "settlers" chose to destroy burial sites and to use mosques & churches as stables.  They also stole all of the gold that was in the churches and anything else of value.  It breaks my heart that Western Christians are mostly unaware of the suffering of Palestinian Christians.  Christians are not privileged here, it is a "Jewish" State and therefore people who have lived on the land for generations have lost it and seen their homeland destroyed and rebuilt.  Often times, new homes & settlements or trees are planted to destroy evidence of the destruction that has happened in these villages, towns, cities, etc....

Me cleaning in the church...(Mom, this is my "roughing it" outfit...haha) 
Some of my new friends at the "border" of Israel & Lebanon (looking towards Israel)

The "temporary" church after it was destroyed and used as a stable for 60+ years...

View from our "hotel" after a day of cleaning!  We stayed at a Christian "hotel" or place where groups come.
Reflecting on the "border."  There is a huge line & Buoyes that go out so far.  It 's strange that just on the other side of the cliff is Lebanon & where I am standing was probably Lebanon as well.  There is a video playing inside the old railroad track (which cuts through the stone & goes to Lebanon), which states that Europeans were the ones (French & English) who built the train and destroyed the beautiful land to transport 1941...if this was true, wouldn't they be fighting the people who were committing genocide?  They also stated that now that the land has returned to the chosen ones...that the seals can come back to live here...I don't know if seals like 90+ degree water....but who knows...

I will be researching the train station, to see when & why it was built and also whether seals & sea turtles ever resided here....

The entrance of the church (the stairs are destroyed...)

No wonder people don't think anything is wrong in Israel...this is where the tours take you.  Yes, it is beautiful, but the history is not.

The church...that has to be locked up so settlers will not destroy more of it.  Luckily, the boys were able to clear a lot of the brush from the's looking better.

The Catholic Group after mass on Sunday morning...this was a Greek Catholic Mass.

I believe this was an institution that has been destroyed, it is right next to the church.

I wish I could write more right now, but I must go and do some more work!  Please reflect on what I have shown you.  It really tore me to pieces to see holy sites destroyed, how can you hate someone or some group so much?  How has this injustice continued for so long?  How have an entire groups identity been vanished from nearly all narratives and histories that are heard and scene????  I value your please share your thoughts.  And pray that the injustice will be brought to light...

Ma' Elsalameh!  Peace Hope & Love


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