Guidance on my Journey

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths." -Proverbs 3:5-6

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

My East Jerusalem...

After flying for several hours, through New York, Zurich and finally landing in Tel Aviv, I had the pleasure of being welcomed into Israel just like a true Palestinian.  

But, before I begin, a bit about my journey to Tel Aviv.  I typically like to sit as close to the cockpit as possible, however, on the last leg of my journey, I had the pleasure of being seated in 33a.  Instead of minding my own business, as most people do, I decide to chat up the French woman next to me (who all she wanted to do was sleep).  Come to find out, Miss Dusa is from Slovenia and has lived near the Swiss border in France for over 30 years.  Since nothing happens for a reason, I find out that she has an organization and has been assisting with the Palestinian cause for years.  She is currently working on a micro-kinisey (spelling) method of trauma healing.  She was kind enough to wait for me after the immigration line, however, it took me a bit longer than most.  More to come on Dusa...

While in line at immigration, I somehow choose the line that is the SLOWEST, which I really should have known better, but I didn't listen to my 6th sense.  The lovely woman asked me over and over again why I was here, who I knew, etc etc.  After stating a few things (that I was meeting Omar--Mistake 1), she pulls me out of  line and into the "naughty" people area.  At this point, I'm scared, but go with the flow.  I was asked to come into 3 rooms where I was asked the same questions over and over again, told that Omar was a Muslim name, asked how could I come here and not know where I was staying, asked to show my student ID card, asked to show all of the money that I have, asked how much money is in my bank account, asked how I could ever feel safe going to a country by myself and not knowing where I was staying, questioned about SABEEL over and over again and asked what I was studying in school.  WELCOME TO ISRAEL, Lauren, hope you enjoy your stay...

Lucky for me, I was not strip searched like the guy on the Nesher shuttle, Sabier, was...

I guess my fear of the IDF was well justified.  I was proud of myself, I remained calm and although I wanted to cry, I refrained.  I was not about to give them the pleasure.  So much for being a Christian coming into the Holy Land from America...I would've thought I would breeze through, apparently not.

When I finally met up with Omar, Nicola, and Adele at the New Gate to East Jerusalem, I finally felt better.  Apparently God wanted me to have a true welcoming into the Holy Land.  

Ma Salama!  


  1. WOW!!!! what a trip:) I'm proud that you made it through, please take care and keep updating;)

  2. Dearest, sounds like you made the best of a bad situation. Obviously, God wanted you to have another opportunity to grow stronger. Love Mom
